Friday, December 19, 2008

The Journey

After many months of preparation and lots of work, lots of work did I tell you lots of work? We finally set sail at 7AM 13 December 2008. George( is staying at our house) came by to get his coffee, his final briefing on Estancia Green Cay and help us cast off , which we did promptly. As we were heading out we see this person running down the dock Ms. Jill got up really early and was there at 7:02! She threw a bag of fresh greens from her garden at us and wished us Bon Voyage.

We are off!

The sails went up smoothly off of Green Cay Island the wind just grabbed us we are on our Journey. Great passage throughout the day, then around 2 PM Brian saw what at first he thought were scuba divers on a boat, waving us away from them. A second look and he realized there was no dive flag up, we got the binoculars out. Two guys standing on what looked like a jet ski, waving theri life vests madly!Soooo…we altered course and prepared to scrutinize the guys. We were about ten miles from Culebra, and thought perhaps they had run out of gas or broken down, but wanted to be careful nonetheless. As we got closer, it became clear the they were standing on a capsized powerboat (a Grady White 25’ outboard fishing boat). We circled and spoke to the guys, offering to take them to Culebra. We then maneuvered close alongside, they swam over and we brought them aboard. They had left St. Thomas early that morning and been bottom fishing off Sail Rock, when they decided the weigh anchor and move to another spot. Evidently there was a mixup and the anchor line got caught in the prop, and the boat swung around so the stern was pointing right into the wind and waves, and a couple big waves swamped the boat almost immediately, and then it rolled over. Anyway, we radioed the Coast Guard, who really weren’t much help at all, saying to just drop them off in Culebra??? When we got to Culebra we called Customs & Immigration (the guys said they were green card holders, but both said they’d lost their ID in the boat), they said no one was allowed to leave the boat until we were given specific clearance, which took about an hour. We then took the guys to the police station on Culebra under a rain storm, where they were given showers, clothes, food and a place to stay overnight. Buddies of theirs came over the next day and picked them up. And so ends the story of our first rescue at sea!

This was just the first day! Showers, no dinner for Emmy, and bed whew, a great day at sea.


debra s/v Voyager said...

Ahoy Avalon
We were so happy to hear from you. It sounds like you are having a blast. I hope to hear from you frequently and will check your blog site. I have never done this before -- so this is new to me. Hope to get a massage and acupuncture from George soon.
Tom & Deb s/v Voyager

Mslocks said...

OMG!!!!! You two are have the time of your life. Please keep us posted and send more pictures of your journey.
Much Love,
Cynthia and Ray Hodge

Happy Cruisers

Happy Cruisers
Sunset off the coast of Culebra. Note Brian's relaxed look-think he is happy?

Welcome to Culebra

Welcome to Culebra
Entrance to Dewey, to the right is the little canal that takes you into the lagoon. This is where we stayed for a week.