Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Friday 6 February 2009

We are presently in Ilse de Saintes a group of small islands off the southern coast of Guadeloupe.

Cruising in all its wonderful joys has its minute draw backs one of which can be the availability of technology i.e. internet access. Then off course we have all the beautiful site seeing to contend with (tsk, tsk, tsk). Please bear with us as we try to update the blog .
My husband says that I am building up an alibi for the slow updates. Well...

...How can you sit at a computer when there is so much to see and do and experience?
So sorry!-)

When I think about how close these islands really are to St. Croix (175 miles) it is staggering, unless you take the time to travel within the Caribbean you have no idea who your neighbors are. Many islands I had visited before but still many I have not.

Take for example Montserrat, who would think of going there after the volcanic eruption? Well, think again there is an underlying current that comes off that island which pulls you to it. Would I go back there absolutely! After seeing from a distance what Mother Nature is capable of I want to see more. Half of the island is uninhabited, the devastation is visible (see foto). Rivers of lava packed with mud and huge boulders now solidified flow from the side of Soufriere Volcano, creating an unusual gray landscape, one I never thought I would see first hand.

The other side is green and lush the vegetation dense and bright, hence why Monseratt was once dubbed The Emerald Isle of the Caribbean. You can see many new homes on the side of the mountains and on the coast. An active effort to bring back tourism and normalcy to the island is being made by the British government.

Then there is Guadeloupe. A statement all to itself. I am in love, yes again, with the small fishing village of Deshaise (pronounced Day Hay).

Will come back to this later, right now we need to get off the boat and explore Terre de Haut. As I look at the shoreline I can see cute gingerbread laced houses with beautiful gardens they are calling to me.


Karla Y said...

Hi Emmy miss you gus please tell Brian Hello sending all gods blessings Karla Yhan

Scott said...

Well, I'm sitting here in Darfur during a sand storm and all I can think is that "I want your life!" It sounds like you both are having an amazing time, Erin and I both enjoy reading the up dates and looking at the pictures. Stay safe and have fun.

Happy Cruisers

Happy Cruisers
Sunset off the coast of Culebra. Note Brian's relaxed look-think he is happy?

Welcome to Culebra

Welcome to Culebra
Entrance to Dewey, to the right is the little canal that takes you into the lagoon. This is where we stayed for a week.